
Notable Buddhists

  1. Alan Watts
  2. ZenRaven
  3. Richard Gere
  4. Many Metal Musicians
  5. Almost All New Age Musicians
  6. 60% of Santa Fe, NM
  7. 70% of Sri Lanka


20 of the Best Eastern Religion/Philosophy Websites

Forthcoming, bet ya can't wait !

Areas where Buddhism has Flourished

Sanfransico Bay area


Boston, Massa

Zen for All

The best in Zen Sutras, Essays, and Proemas

"All roads lead to Zencity"
- unknown (guess)


Recent Buddhist News

History of Buddhism

Famous Zen Quotes
" I am my own teacher "
- Sri Emeritus

    Zen Rubriks
  • First thought, best thought
  • Why becomes How become Why
    Books Just Full of Buddhism and Hinduism
  1. The Tao of Physics
  2. Dancing Wu Li Masters
  3. Eyes To The Stars

Now broadcasting, via Radio Abraxas, a wealth of relevant data
regarding Zen Buddhism and its cousin, Hinduism, some say sister
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Believe it, or else............

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