Paradox and Ambiguity, lesson One Zen II
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and italics for emphasisincluding variation of contexts and perspectives
We begin: The present as history, part 26...........
Why a theory of consciousness, i.e. you tell me, is so needed?
Answer is this: Its just a natural consequence of Mind, not animal, but human and beyond, we think............
Voila, an image:
Don't read Satre or Heidegger. Gibberish.
Try Bacon, the presocratics, Bergson, Maimonides, then the more contemporary
Whitehead, Wittgenstein, Husserl, and Foucault
If really interested, read ' Eyes To The Stars ', by ZenRaven ( Dew )

Relevant Thinkers:Redundancy, again :) /p>
- Wittgenstein
- Husserl
- Foucault
- Bergson
- ZenRaven